Saturday, October 20
Read Exodus 7
Think About It:
- What is God’s central purpose in sending Moses and Aaron to confront Pharaoh?
- If Moses represented God to Pharaoh, who did the wise men, sorcerers, and the magicians represent? What was the source of their power?
- Do you believe in the supernatural ability of God to perform miracles and to supernaturally defeat Satan in your own life? Why or why not?
Family Time:
- This passage is about God’s absolute authority and power that is unchanging. In Exodus 7 there are people trying to copy God’s signs. Their attempts, however, are counterfeit. What are some things in your life that the world may see as fulfilling but are just a counterfeit for truth, happiness, love or joy?
- God wants to free us from our “slavery” to sin. We have to obey for that to happen. What do you think would have happened had Moses not obeyed God in his calling?