Year 3 Day 211
Overview of the Book of John Chapters 13-21 Monday, April 5 Read John 13 Think About It: Why did Jesus wash the…
Overview of the Book of John Chapters 13-21 Monday, April 5 Read John 13 Think About It: Why did Jesus wash the…
No specified readings for today.
Saturday, April 3 Read John 12 Think About It: Here we see Jesus visiting with His friend Lazarus once again. And again, Martha…
Friday, April 2 Read John 11 Think About It: In John 11:4-6, after Jesus hears that Lazarus is sick and He is wanted,…
Thursday, April 1 Read John 10 Think About It: The truths that cluster around the image of the Shepherd and the sheep are…
Wednesday, March 31 Read John 9 Think About It: An encounter with Jesus changed a blind man’s life. Has an encounter with Jesus…
Tuesday, March 30 Read John 8 Think About It: Look up Romans 3:23 and Matthew 7:5. How do these scriptures explain Jesus’ response…
Monday, March 29 Read John 7 Think About It: What is the Feast of the Tabernacles? Hint: Also called the Festival of Booths….
No specified readings for today.
Saturday, March 27 Read John 6 Think About It: How much did Philip estimate it would cost to feed the multitude? (verse 7)…