Saturday, October 23
Read Revelation 16
Think About It:
The “great voice” out of the temple commands the seven angels to pour out the contents of their vials, after which he announces, “It is done”. The “mystery of God” is finished! The martyrs in Glory had asked, “How long?” and now their cry would be answered.
Each of the angels has a specific target for the contents of his vial. The earth rulers have already suffered from the seal and trumpet judgments, but this final series of judgments will climax God’s plan, leading to Babylon’s fall and Jesus Christ’s return to earth.
Grievous sores (verse 2)
Waters turn to blood (verses 3-6)
Great heat from the sun (verses 8-9)
Darkness (verses 10-11)
The Euphrates dried up (verses 12-16)
From a human viewpoint it appears that the armies of the nations are gathering on their own, but John makes it clear that the military movement is according to God’s plan. The satanic Trinity, through demonic powers, will influence the nations and cause the rulers to assemble their armies. They will even work miracles that will impress the rulers and cause them to cooperate. But this will merely fulfill the will of God and accomplish His purpose. The gentile nations will look on Armageddon as a battle, but to God, it will be only a “supper” for the fouls of the air.
Zechariah 12 and 14 describes this event from Israel’s point of view. Since “the beast” has set up his image in the temple in Jerusalem, and since many of the Jews will not bow down to him, it is natural that the Holy City should be the object of attack. However, not only the Jews are involved, for God has a purpose for gentile nations as well. Joel 3:9-21 makes it clear that God will punish the Gentiles for the way they have treated the Jews.
“It is Done” (verses 17-21)
The Devil is “the prince of the air”, so perhaps the seventh vial has a special effect on his dominion (Ephesians 2:2). But the immediate result is a devastating earthquake that affects the cities of the nations. Satan’s entire system is now about to be judged by God: a religious system (the harlot, Revelation 17), his political and economic system (Babylon, Revelation 18), his military system (the armies, Revelation 19).
In the last days, these events will accelerate and the Bible’s prophecies will be ultimately fulfilled. I believe the church will not be on the scene at that time, but both Jewish and Gentile believers will be living, and have to endure antichrist rule.
The admonition in Revelation 16:15 applies to us all: “Behold, I [Jesus] come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keep his garments, lest he walked naked, and they see his shame.” Jesus Christ may return anytime, and it behooves us to keep our lives clean, to watch, and to be faithful.
Family Time:
- Christ will return unexpectedly, so we must be ready when He returns. We can prepare ourselves by standing firm in temptation and being committed to God’s moral standards. In what ways does your life show either your readiness or your lack of preparation for Christ’s return? (verse 15)