Overview of the Books of I, II & III John
Monday, September 27
Read I John 1
Think About It:
- How important is an eyewitness report? When a trusted family member or close friend tells you about a friend of theirs, about the amazing and seemingly impossible things that they have seen this friend do, do you believe them? How about when they tell you about what someone else told them that their cousin’s neighbor’s brother-in-law has done? Which is more believable?
- It is possible for some to claim a relationship with God that they do not have, and it is also possible for someone to think they have a relationship with God that they do not have. Many Christians are not aware of their true condition. They know they are saved and have experienced conversion and have repented at some time in their life. Yet they do not live in true fellowship with God. What truth does John lay out here that will show us where we stand with God? What is the difference between being saved and walking in fellowship with God?
Family Time:
- The apostle John wrote this book of the Bible. He was one of the disciples that the Lord Jesus was the closest to while He was here on earth. He writes to all of us so that we can know who Jesus is and have fellowship with Him so that our joy will be full!
- What is the first message that John says he has heard from God, and that he wants us to know? (verse 5)
- Darkness and light are opposites! You cannot have darkness AND light ruling in the same area. We learn the same thing about spiritual (inside our spirit) light and darkness. Read verses 6 and 7 again and talk about it.
- Read verse 8. Have you ever heard anyone say that they don’t have any sin…or that they are a good person? We know this isn’t true because ALL have sinned. Does that make it okay to continue sinning…because everyone else has done it? No! Verse 9 tells us that when we do sin, we need to confess (tell) it to the Lord, and He will forgive us and make us clean from our unrighteousness (sin – things that make us not right with God!) He is so good to us. Spend a few minutes to search your heart and see if there is anything you need to confess to the Lord and get right with Him!