Friday, September 10
Read Hebrews 13
Think About It:
- Why should we be ‘content’ with our present circumstances?
- How does God prepare us in verse 21? What evidence do we have that we are being prepared?
Family Time:
- We are told to obey those who rule over us in verse 17. Why would it be unprofitable (bad) for us to not obey them? Do you think there might be other reasons besides simply obeying? What happens to us or around us when we don’t obey leaders?
- We all have different gifts and abilities. What do we learn about how God thinks about our gifts in verse 21?
- Hebrews really talks a lot about working together, praying for each other and supporting each other. Does your family do these things with and for other Christians? How can kids do these things? Can you think of some ways you could encourage or support other Christians?