Saturday, July 24
Read Philippians 2
Think About It:
- Paul is emphasizing the importance of humility and considering the needs of others over our own. He uses Jesus as an example: having been equal with God, humbling Himself as a servant to redeem us on earth as He gave up His life for us. Verse 8 says, “being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Fashion in Greek is “schema”, a word used in ancient times when a king exchanged his royal garments for a time to wear the clothing of a common person or beggar. In the same way, Jesus disrobed Himself of His high position with God to walk among simple people as a mortal for a season. Ask God about the people in your life – do they see humility in your actions, so they are drawn into the Kingdom of God? Think of ways to demonstrate the love Jesus showed us in the everyday activities you do.
- “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which works in you both to will and do of His good pleasure.” These verses are a powerful reminder of the high call to represent the LORD in our daily life toward outsiders with the encouragement of knowing that God gives us the energy to do good. It requires the life of God in a believer and the anointing of God upon a believer to stand blameless before a perverse world and not be blemished by the corruption of the world. We are called to “be holy, as God is holy” and to bring honor and glory to His name by our good works. Take a few minutes in your prayer time to consider what that means in your sphere of influence and ask God to show you ways you can more intentionally “reign with the heart of a servant and serve with the heart of a king.”
Family Time:
- Who is the prince of the power of the air?
- Read verse 8. What is the gift God gives us?
- Who is our cornerstone? What is a cornerstone and why is it important?