Thursday, July 8
Read II Corinthians 13
Think About It:
In this chapter Paul once again declares his authority and power among the Corinthians. He says he will not be timid when he comes. He also declares that his authority from the Lord is for building up and not for tearing down.
- How do we know that Paul intended to confront his enemies when he arrived in Corinth? (verses 1-2)
- How did Paul intend to show that Christ spoke through him? (verses 3-4)
- What did Paul command them to do? (verse 5)
- What was Paul’s desire for them? (verse 7-9)
- What was the purpose of the sharpness and authority the Lord gave Paul? (verse 10)
- What short commands did Paul give in verses 11-12?
- How do you confront people who are at fault?
- How does the phrase, “Greet one another with a holy kiss”, apply today?
Family Time:
- Verse 5 invites us to examine ourselves. Take some time to pray—talk and listen to the Lord. Are there any adjustments needed in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your true heart. Repent if necessary. Ask Him to show you what to do next.