Monday, June 21
Read I Corinthians 14
Think About It:
- There is a reason why the gift of tongues and prophecy are addressed by Paul to the Corinthians.
- The Corinthians made a godly desire for spiritual giftsinto an obsessive pursuit when the main pursuit for Christians should be love.
- There was an over-emphasis on tongues and an under-emphasis on prophecy. He who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God: With the gift of tongues, the speaker addresses God, not men. In Acts 2, they spoke to God and the multi-national crowd overheard their praise to God. Acts 2:11says, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. Later, Acts 10:46 describes the hearing of the gift of tongues: they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Thus, a true interpretation of the gift of tongues will be addressed to God, not men. It will be a prayer, praise, or some other communication to God. God does not give anyone the gift of tongues for the direct sake of others (though indirectly others are edified), but for that believer and God alone.
- Why is it more beneficial to prophesy? What should a prophecy include? (verse 3)
- Why did Paul wish all spoke with tongues?
No doubt because he knew the value of it in his own life. Paul was able, when in the spirit he spoke mysteries, to unburden his soul before God in a way beyond human language and intellect. He could pray, praise, and intercede beyond his ability to understand and articulate. Paul wanted every Christian to know this same blessing.
- What is the general principal to guide gatherings of the church when it comes to the gifts of tongues and prophecy? (verse 26 and 40)
- Verses 34-35 says, “Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they areto be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.” In the church at Corinth, women and men sat in different groups at church. There seems to have been a problem with women chattering or disrupting the meetings with questions. Paul is saying, “Don’t disrupt the meeting. Ask your questions at home.” With many women coming from Gentile backgrounds, they did not know how to conduct themselves at a church meeting. Paul teaches them how! This is not saying that woman cannot speak (pray, teach, prophesy) in the church.
Family Time:
- What should be your motivation if you desire spiritual gifts? (verse 12)
- What two types of praying are mentioned? (verse 15)
- What shows that Paul does not mean to belittle speaking with tongues? (verse 39)