Friday, April 2
Read John 11
Think About It:
- In John 11:4-6, after Jesus hears that Lazarus is sick and He is wanted, He responds with a delay. He stayed two more days in the place where He was. There are three times in John’s gospel, when someone near and dear to Jesus makes a request of Him, the other two are His mother at Cana and His brothers on their way to Jerusalem. In each of these three cases, Jesus responded in the same way. He first refused to grant their request, then He fulfilled it after asserting that He does things according to the timing and will of God, not man. Through His actions, Jesus demonstrated that His delays were not denials. The delay would bring greater glory to God. Is there a request you have prayed for many times that hasn’t been answered yet? Have you considered that your request may not have been denied, but is simply delayed to bring greater glory to God?
- In John 11:41-44, Jesus prays before raising Lazarus, then He yells, “Lazarus come forth!”. Jesus speaks to Lazarus’ dead body as if he were alive, because He is God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17). This is how Jesus can call forth the person dead and defeated in sin and deception to a new life in Him. He is still calling the dead forth from their tombs today! Praise God for the hope this truth gives us today.
- Look up this classic video “Lazarus, Come Forth” by Carmen on Youtube.
Family Time:
- Mary, Martha and Lazarus were close friends of Jesus. In fact, the Bible says He loved this family. But yet, while Lazarus was very sick, Jesus delayed coming to them. When He and the disciples finally arrive in Bethany where they lived, Lazarus had already died and had been in the tomb for four days. They go to the tomb and Jesus calls Lazarus to come out of the tomb. Lazarus does just that. Even though he had been dead and in the tomb for four days, he got up and walked out of the tomb! Jesus said He is the Resurrection and the Life. He has power over life and death, and the power to forgive sins. I’m so glad He is and does! Are you?
- After this the Pharisees determine to kill Jesus. In verse 48, what reason do the Pharisees give for wanting to kill Jesus? They try to justify this murder. Read verse 50. What reason does Caiaphas give for wanting Jesus dead?