Wednesday, February 10
Read Mark 7
Think About It:
- Jesus always spoke to the matters of the heart in response to the religious leaders and their questions to try and find fault. Do you try and find faults in your brothers and sisters in Christ? Why?
- What was the example Jesus gives on how their (the religious rulers) traditions dishonored God?
- Jesus spoke to the multitudes and His disciples about the mere image of religion and hypocrisy (an actor or someone who wears a mask). Can God say the same thing about us today (i.e., you go to church, you read the Bible, you sing, you give money, you pray eloquently…but your heart is far from me)?
Family Time:
- The Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus about the disciples eating with “unclean hands”, referring to the tradition of the elders (man’s rules). What did Jesus mean when He said, “nothing outside a man can make him unclean by going into him, rather, it’s what comes out of the man that makes a man unclean?” (verses 19-23) What are some of those “unclean things”? (verses 20-22)
- Choose between Jesus’ healing of the Greek woman’s daughter who had a demon and the man who was deaf and could barely speak. Tell the events of the healing in your own words. Jesus demonstrated great compassion when He healed people of their sicknesses. How might we show compassion to others?