Saturday, October 31
Read Hosea 5-6
Think About It:
Chapter 5
- How do verses 4 and 7 compare Israel to the story of Hosea and Gomer in chapters 1-3?
- God rebuked Israel for going after pagan gods. His judgment of Israel comes in both subtle (verse 12) and obvious (verse 14) ways. How are these ways described?
- What is God’s purpose in the judgement of Israel?
Chapter 6
- Verse 2 is a prophetic reference to Jesus. What does this verse refer to?
- Hosea 4:6 says God’s “people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.” Chapter 6:3 tells us to “pursue the knowledge of the LORD.” Verse 6 also refers to how important knowing God is. What can we do to pursue knowing God and growing deeper and closer to Him every day?
Family Time:
- In Hosea 5:4, for the second time, God refers to His people having a “spirit of harlotry”. What is “harlotry” to God? Think of the very first of the ten commandments.
- According to Hosea 5:11, why is “Ephraim” (Israel) oppressed and broken in judgement? How does Proverbs 3:5-6 apply?
- In Hosea 5:15, God indicates that they will seek His face earnestly only after they are afflicted. Did it have to be that way? A preacher once said, “God takes us any way we will come.” Learn from God’s Word, learn from other people’s mistakes. Do not resist God—it is always the harder way in the long run.
- According to Hosea 6:6, what does God desire?