Thursday, October 8
Read Ezekiel 44
Think About It:
In verses 6-7, God recalls Israel’s past sins of polluting His sanctuary by bringing in the unclean, unholy (uncircumcised, strangers) and idols. God reveals (verses 8-10) in Israel’s previous rebellions, even the Levites went astray when they followed idols and indicates they will bear that iniquity. They will be limited in their duties, permitted only in the outer court and not allowed to minister in the Most Holy Place (verse 11-13). But the sons of the faithful priest in the time of David and Solomon, Zadok, will become ministers in the Most Holy Place and are given specific and strict instructions, guidelines and regulations to follow in verses 18-31, which were established for priestly ministry in the Law of God given to Moses. I think we can apply the words from this chapter to mean that we need to take God seriously. He has specific ideas for our life, for the way we represent Him while we are here on the earth. He has surrounded us with specific people we can minister to in a unique way and He needs our full attention to be able to do that in the power of His might, being led by His Spirit. I am reminded I need to pray more specifically for others and I also need to listen longer and more frequently to catch everything He has to share with me, to avoid being limited in the plans God has called me to accomplish. May we be all that Jesus died for us to be and do everything He equipped us to do and represent Him well, giving Him all the glory.
Family Time:
- Which gate shall be shut and not opened? (verses 1-2)
- What were the priests to teach God’s people? (verse 23)