Thursday, April 23
Read Isaiah 13
Think About It:
God’s Word is true and His prophets, like Isaiah, give warnings to inform people of God’s plans and remind them of His sovereignty. Chapter 13 is a prophecy against Babylon before it even became a great city. Before it became a world power, Isaiah prophesied that it would shine for a while, but its destruction would then be so complete – because of its pride and arrogance, disobedience and disregard for God Almighty – that the land would never again be inhabited. Today, under the sand dunes of Iraq, lies the original city of Babylon in utter ruin.
- Are there things in your life that you need to repent of? Take some time listening to God’s Holy Spirit as you pray asking to show you those things. He warns us in His Word so we will be sensitive to avoid giving the enemy a foothold in our life.
- Is God first in your life? Do you avoid worldly traditions that may make God jealous? Are their foreign practices you participate in to blend in with the world or make life easier? Let Jesus be your Prince of Peace and avoid unnecessary pain that the world (or the enemy) lies to make you think will offer you peace, which replaces time with God alone.
Family Time:
- For what will the world be punished? (verse 11)
- What shall become of Babylon? (verse 19)