Monday, February 17
Read Proverbs 3
Think About It:
Trust in the LORD: Solomon advised his son to live a life of trust in Yahweh. Solomon had found that God was worthy to be trusted. It is our nature to put our trust in something or someone, even if it is our self. Solomon told us to consciously put our trust in the LORD. “The word translated ‘trust’ in verse 5 means ‘to lie helpless, face down.’ It pictures a servant waiting for the master’s command in readiness to obey, or a defeated soldier yielding himself to the conquering general.” (Wiersbe)
- Do you find it easy to totally trust God? Or are there areas of your life in which you are afraid to trust Him?
- What are the benefits of trusting and obeying God?
Family Time:
- When reading the book of Proverbs:
- Ask the Lord to give you a teachable heart as you read and study God’s word.
- Remember: God LOVES you. Trusting Him is easy when you know and experience His love.
- Knowing He loves you and wants the best for you, can you see why He would set commands for you? …to bless your life?
- Meditate on verses 21-26.