Saturday, February 15
Read Proverbs 2
Think About It:
The repletion of the phrase “my son” and “my children” reminds us that the book of Proverbs records a loving father’s wise counsel to his family. Jewish fathers were commanded to teach their children wisdom (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). If the children were smart, they paid attention and obeyed.
Wisdom is not only a person to love, but wisdom is also a path to walk, and the emphasis in chapters 2 and 3. The path of Wisdom leads to life, but the way of Folly leads to death; when you walk on the path of Wisdom, you enjoy three wonderful assurances: Wisdom protects your path (chapter 2), directs your path (chapter 3), and perfects your path (chapter 4).
The key to chapter 2 is verse 8: “He guards the path of justice, and preserves the way of His Saints.” Life is dangerous. It is wise to listen to the counsel of godly people who have walked the path before us.
When I was young, my mom told me to pray for wisdom. Verse 6 tells us the Lord grants wisdom. Ask for it! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Reading on you see that you will also receive common sense, He will be a shield to you, guard and protect you. Ultimately you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. Verses 12- 19 speaks of those who are not wise and the sin they fall into. For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain in it (verse 21).
Family Time:
- Why do we need God?
- Who gives believers the power to put into practice God’s truth?
- How do you know if you’re on the right path? How do you know if you’re on the wrong path?
- Who gives us wisdom?