Tuesday, January 7
Read Psalm 103
Think About It:
- This Psalm is a beautiful word picture of all God gives us and does for us as His children. The benefits of following God are many. Read this Psalm again and think about how each benefit is revealed in your life.
- Compassion is mentioned several times in this Psalm. God does have compassion on us just “as a father has compassion on his children.” Even if you have not had a good father here on earth you can know that the Heavenly Father is a good and gracious Father—full of compassion.
Family Time:
- What are some of the attributes of God that we read about in this Psalm?
- This Psalm focuses mainly on salvation and the way God showed His love and faithfulness to His people by sending Jesus to die in our place. Go through the Psalm a second time, looking at the gospel message in this Psalm.
- Write a reason to praise God that you see in this Psalm.