Saturday, November 9
Read Psalm 25
Think About It:
- Do you think God needs to be reminded of His mercy?
- If you read something in the Bible that is contrary to how you live your life, do you have the humility to make a correction?
Family Time:
The Psalms talk a lot about our character – how we behave on the outside AND the inside. Parents are always telling kids to be good, obey, etc. Does it matter if you obey if your heart is ugly? We have learned that even if we make mistakes that if your heart is right and we are truly sorry and do better (repent), that we still find favor in God’s eyes (verse 7). Your heart is what matters the most. According to Psalm 25, how should we keep our hearts?
(Verse 9 humble: not better than others) (verses 12-14 fear: respect, awe, honor) (verse 21 integrity: being honest even when no one would know; uprightness: honorable – having a good heart)