Wednesday, October 16
Read Job 37
Think About It:
- God’s voice is heard in many ways. Both man and beast are under its command. Job is advised to consider the power and works of God and not to presume to be wiser than God. Reflect on ways you hear His voice—like thunder? Or is it the still small voice?
- Have you ever wondered how the rain-heavy clouds remain in the sky? It is a mystery that God alone knows and executes with His power. Can we trust Him with our heavy clouds? He has the same power to handle those, too!
- How can we even speak to this all wise and powerful God? Yet, He doesn’t destroy us, though He is just and righteous.
Family Time:
- What power does God exercise, and how does it make men feel? (37:1-4)
- What can we learn from Elihu? What did he teach Job?
- How did Job’s views differ from his friends’? Where was he right and where was he wrong?