Friday, October 11
Read Job 33
Think About It:
- In verse 9 Elihu takes what Job had said earlier (Job 9:30; Job 10:7; Job 13:23; Job 16:17) and takes it out of context. Do you think Elihu really wanted to know what Job had said and what he meant?
- What should this cause you to do?
- In these (end) times, do you think people really are going to want to hear the truth?
Family Time:
- Job’s frustration comes more from not knowing why he is suffering than from the suffering itself, because he felt God was not answering him. Tell about when you have experienced God’s silence.
- Elihu explains to Job that God is answering Job, but Job is not listening to what God is saying. List the ways, according to Elihu, God speaks to us. (Verses 14-23)