Monday, October 7
Read Job 29
Think About It:
- In this chapter Job reviews his past, when he had it all: prosperity, honor, character, security and the respect of people. Have you ever longed for the former blessings you had before the trials or sufferings? Was it helpful? God’s power releases us from wishful thinking to hopeful thinking—trust!
Family Time:
- For what things did Job long for during his time of suffering? (Verses 1-25)
Job, by God’s own words (Job 1:1), was blameless and upright. He feared God, shunned evil, helped the helpless and needy, and was well-respected by his peers. He had friends who tried, in their humanness, to advise Job as to why he was suffering and how to turn his suffering around. In what other ways did Job show his good heart?