Wednesday, August 28
Read Esther 5
Think About It:
- Why did Esther delay in speaking with the King?
- Haman has a deep-seated insecurity…the need to be honored and accepted by everybody. God meant this hunger for acceptance in each of us to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ – because we are accepted in the Beloved(Ephesians 1:6), accepted before God because of who we are in Jesus. The soul was made for God, and nothing but God can fill it and make it happy and content. Do you find your fulfilment in your relationship with Jesus?
Family Time:
- Esther chose to fast and pray for three days before she went in to the King. Why do you think this was important for her to do?
- What happened when Queen Esther went in before the king?
- When Haman saw Mordecai again, and saw that he still didn’t bow, it made his proud heart even more angry. He went home and bragged to his friends about all he had, but that still didn’t make him happy. He hated Mordecai. What did Haman plan to do to Mordecai? (verse 14)