Friday, August 16
Read Nehemiah 5
Think About It:
- What does God say about debt in chapter 5?
- As a governor, Nehemiah could have required things from the people. Did he take advantage of it?
- Are you a greedy person? Do you take things because you have a right to?
Family Time:
- This chapter tells of the many problems these Jewish exiles faced as they were rebuilding the city of Jerusalem. Hunger, debt, slavery of their children, their property stolen by the rich Jews, etc. Nehemiah was very upset when he heard about all of this. Being a good leader meant he couldn’t ignore their cries, so he called a meeting to deal with all these issues. Verses 8 through 13 describes the terms of the agreement that was reached, and was fair and right for everyone. Tell why you think Nehemiah “shook out the folds of his robes.”
- The “whole assembly” said, “Amen.” God desires and honors unity within the church. Tell how you can contribute to unity in your church.