Wednesday, July 10
Read 2 Chronicles 18
Think About It:
- In 2 Chronicles 18:18-22, God reveals through Michaiah the inner workings of the spiritual world. God had given Ahab many opportunities to repent and follow Him. Time and again Ahab showed his evil bent as He waged war against the LORD and against the LORD’s prophets. Now, we see that God has had enough and has determined that Ahab through his own free will, is to die. How does God in His sovereignty over all things, including good and evil people and spirits, accomplish His perfect will in the life of Ahab?
- The lying spirit will receive its punishment just as Ahab did. Those who repent of their sins will receive forgiveness just as Ahab could have. The real question is, “Will I respond to God’s warnings with faith and obedience, or will I reject His counsel and be rejected by Him?”
Family Time:
- Jehoshaphat made an alliance with Ahab by marrying his son to Ahab’s daughter, and by agreeing to go to battle with him. Ahab was a wicked man. He did not follow the ways of God. Do you think this alliance was a good idea?
- Have you ever made an alliance or friendship with someone who says or does things that are not right in the eyes of God? How could such a friendship affect your behavior and your relationship with God?