Wednesday, June 12
Read 1 Chronicles 18
Think About It:
We must look at David’s military activities in the light of God’s covenants with Israel through Abraham (Genesis 12, 15), Moses (Deuteronomy 27-30) and David (2 Samuel 7). The LORD had promised Israel the land from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates River (Genesis 15:17-21; Deuteronomy 1:6-8; 11:24; 1 Kings 4:20-21), and the LORD used David to help fulfill the promise. Israel had lost territory to her enemies during the reign of King Saul, and David recaptured it, but he also expanded Israel’s borders and acquired land that had been captured in Joshua’s day (Joshua 13:1-7). David established vessel treaties with most of these nations and set up garrisons in their lands to maintain Israel’s authority. A man of faith, David believed God’s promises and acted upon them for the blessing of his people. God never enters a permanent relationship apart from a covenant.
- David understood Covenant; he wrote in Psalms 25:14, “The secret of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he will make them know his covenant.” The secret covenant must be approached in the reverent fear of God. It is withheld from those who approach with any other attitude. Are there any territories in your heart that have been lost to the enemy that you now need to retake and reestablish your covenant with the LORD?
Family Time:
- With each new victory, David stores away more treasures. What do you think these treasures are for?
- We might think only of David killing Goliath and that his life consisted of the one victory…but his victory in battles went far beyond that. Our lives also need to be more than just about “one” victory.
- How has God helped you to achieve victory in a battle in your life?