Wednesday, May 15
Read 2 Kings 2
Think About It:
Elisha (my God Saves) knew that his master was going to leave him (verses 1, 3, 5) and he wanted to be with him to the very end – listen to his counsel and learn from him. It appears that Elijah wanted Elisha to tarry behind and let him go on alone, but this was merely a test of Elisha’s devotion. When Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha and made him his successor, the younger man promised, “I will never leave you” (1Kings 19:20), and he kept his promise.
Elijah is a good model for believers to imitate when it comes to the inevitability of one day leaving this earth, either through death or the rapture of the church. He didn’t say to his successor “I’m going to leave you” and thus dwell on the negative, but said “I’m going to Bethel – to Jericho – to the Jordan” and kept busy until the very moment the Lord called him. Even more, he didn’t ask his successor to give him anything, because we can’t take anything in our hands from earth to heaven (1Timothy 6:7), but instead he offered to give Elisha a gift before the end came. One of the best gifts we can leave is a prepared servant of God to take our place!!
- So, how have you prepared your loved ones for a life with Christ?
- If you were to suddenly leave, would your loved ones know the foundations of the Bible?
- What “gifts” have you left your loved ones with?
Family Time:
- Elijah and Elisha were traveling together. Then Elijah tells Elisha to stay while he continues on to another city, Bethel. What does Elisha tell Elijah? And the city of Jericho? And onto the Jordan? What happened at the Jordan?
- Elijah knew that he was going to be taken away by the Lord, but before that happened, he asked Elisha what he could do for him. What was Elisha’s response? What do you think of his request?
Describe the scene when the Lord took Elijah away. Draw a picture of what you think that may have looked like.