Saturday, March 2
Read 1 Samuel 11
Think About It:
- When you are in a threatening and seemingly impossible situation, where do you go for help?
- When you find yourself in a difficult situation because of choices you’ve made, things you did or things you said, how do you feel? What, if anything would keep you from turning to God for help?
- The name Nahash means serpent or snake. What similarities can you can see in this chapter between Satan, our spiritual enemy, and Nahash, the enemy of Israel?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Have the oldest person in your family choose the memory verse for today.
- In chapter 11, Saul’s first military test as king is described. What was the outcome of this first battle?
- Check verse 6. Did Saul have a positive outcome? Was this done in his own strength? How did he and his army achieve success?
- Have you ever been in a situation where you had a difficulty you overcame? Did you have this positive outcome in your own strength? Or, did you have help? From whom did that help come?
- Do you have a situation in your life where you need God to use His strength to aid you? Discuss this situation with your family and pray together about it. Ask God to be your strength and protector.