Wednesday, February 27
Read 1 Samuel 8
Think About It:
Rejecting God is never a wise thing to do. We see the people’s world view when they declare they want to be like all the other nations. God had been so good to them that they started to take His presence and His blessings for granted.
- Are there areas in your own life where you are doing the same thing?
Samuel very plainly laid out all the changes that would take place if they had a king to rule over them instead of the Lord God. The people were so blinded by their desires, they couldn’t imagine how these changes would affect them personally.
- How often do you remember that every choice you make has a consequence attached to it?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: As you read this chapter, choose a verse to memorize. As a twist have your parents memorize this verse and you check to see how they do!
*In verse 7 God told Samuel to hear the voice of the people. He said the people had rejected Him when they asked for a king.
- Have you ever rejected the leadership of your elders? How can that affect your relationship with them? Do you think that the relationship between the Israelites and God will be affected by their wish for a king?
- In verses 10-18, Samuel describes some things a person would do when they became King. He tells the people how these things will negatively affect them. What are the things that Samuel warns the people about?
- In verse 19, how do the people respond to Samuel’s warnings?
- How do you think having a king will work out for the Israelites?