Tuesday, January 1
Read Deuteronomy 26
Think About It:
- Deuteronomy 26 provides a roadmap of how to enter into the “Promised Land” He has for you. Give Him your firstfruits and tithes and remember the history of your relationship with God. Declare your spiritual journey with a close friend, as a powerful testimony of what great things God has done for you and your family. What has God delivered you from and what has He given you?
- Verse 19 says, “God will set you in praise, fame and honor high above all the nations He has made and that you will be a people holy to the LORD your God, as He promised.” When we follow God’s commands, He fulfills His promises to us. Giving our tithes and firstfruits results in an abundant life (high above all the nations). Jesus said in Mark 12:17 to give to Caesar (the government) what is Caesar’s (taxes) and give to God what is God’s (tithes & offerings). Why is it so difficult for many to give God money? How has the enemy influenced our thinking in this area? Jesus gives us a principle in giving in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received, freely give.” When we consider all God has given us, we should want to give. What benefits could we offer our communities if everyone in the Church would give?
Family Time:
Memory Verse:
Older & Younger Children: Deuteronomy 26: 17
In Deuteronomy 26: 5-10, all the great things God had done for the Israelites are reviewed.
- What great things has God done in your relationship with Him? (protection? healing? provision?)
- In verse 17 the things a follower of God will do are outlined. What are they?
- Do you declare yourself to be a follower of God? Do you want to declare this? Discuss these things with your family and pray together.