Saturday, November 24
Read Numbers 15
Think About It:
- Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross at Calvary, we no longer have to bring these “supplementary offerings” described in this chapter, so what’s the purpose of this chapter for us today? Their actions would ensure that God held first place in their hearts as they focused on pleasing God with their offerings. The bible tells us “obedience is better than sacrifice.” How do we obey today to please God and put Him first? List some things you do to make sure He has first place in your heart.
- Verses 32-35 tells of a man who was stoned for gathering wood instead of honoring the Sabbath. This chapter always makes me grateful I didn’t live back then, and I give thanks for God’s grace toward us today. But God does not change – He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still wants us to obey His Word, put Him first and avoid deliberate sin. What things do you think we could be stoned for today if Jesus had not yet gone to the Cross for our sins?
- In verses 37-41 we read about the tassels on garments with the requirement that they be visible, not hidden. These were a sign of nobility, marking the wearers as God’s chosen people. They were a reminder of being set apart for serving God. First Peter 2:9 says we also have been set apart to reflect God’s holiness. In America, our faith seems very private. We need to be obvious about living out our faith, setting an example in humility and kindness. God knew the heart of man and how quickly we can get distracted. What do we have to look at today to keep us from seeking the lusts of our own hearts and eyes? How often do you think God expects us to look into His Word in prayer each day to avoid seeking other sources of fulfillment? God wants to transform us into His representatives who reflect His love and cause others to love Him, too.
Family Time:
Memory Verses:
Numbers 15:41 & Proverbs 3:5-6
- When the Lord spoke to the children of Israel about the rules or laws of giving offerings, did He say, “Do this if you want to”?
- Was there anyone else besides the children of Israel who were supposed to give this offering?
- Why were the children of Israel instructed to give this offering? (Verse 2)
- How do you show thankfulness to God for the ‘land’ He has given you?
- How do our offerings of thankfulness make God feel? (Verses 3, 7, 10, 13-14)