Monday, October 22
Read Exodus 8
Think About It:
- In verses 18-19, the magicians recognized this was truly the work of God. What areas of your life has God shown to those around you that He is at work in and through and around you?
- In verse 25, Pharaoh asks Moses to compromise and sacrifice within the land of Egypt. In what ways does the enemy ask you to compromise instead of doing what God has asked?
- In verse 22, Goshen represents a land set aside where the plagues do not afflict the Israelites. In what ways do you see yourself set apart from others around you who do not have a relationship with Jesus?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Exodus 8:1 – Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, “This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”
- Which of the plagues do you think would be the worst: frogs, gnats, or flies?
- Why do you think God chose these animals/bugs to use for the plagues?
- Further Research – Is there a connection between the plagues that God sent and the gods that the Egyptians worshiped?
- In each case Pharaoh says he will let the Israelites go so they can worship God, but after each plague stopped, he changed his mind. Have you ever said you would do something then changed your mind after you got something you wanted first?