Monday, October 15
Read Exodus 1
Think About It:
- The midwives lied to the Egyptians and God dealt well with them. Does this mean that it is ever okay to lie? If so, in what situations?
- How would you feel knowing that the Egyptians were trying different tactics to kill all the male children? Would it make you question God’s leadership choices for Egypt?
Family Time:
- It could have cost the midwives their own lives by obeying God rather than the king. What are some sacrifices you are asked to make in your own lives for Jesus? Are there times that you stand up for truth or for someone being made fun of even if it means you may be shunned?
- In Exodus 1:12 the Bible states that the more the Israelites were afflicted, the more they multiplied and grew. How can we apply this to our lives spiritually? If we have troubles is it truly possible that they can help us grow spiritually and “multiply” perhaps even by ministering to others who have also had the same afflictions as us?
- How were both the midwives and Israelites blessed by God?
- How then as Christians should we view children and families?