Saturday, October 13
Read Genesis 50
Think About It:
- Why did all the officials of Pharaoh, the nobles of his court, and the elders of his house and all the nobles and elder of the land of Egypt go with Joseph?
- Why was Joseph’s promise to his brothers in verse 24 important?
Family Time:
- Why did God let good and bad things happen to Joseph?
- On his bad days, do you think Joseph knew God had a plan?
- What does this story show us about God?
- If you were Joseph, would you have kept following God during the bad times? Why or why not?
- Have you ever seen God take something that seemed bad and use it for good?
- Think about Genesis 50:20 “You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.” How would our bad days change if we really believe this is true?
Draw, sculpt or act:
- An example of a bad day.
- How would you normally act?
- How would you act if you trusted God to turn bad into good.