Monday, October 8
Read Genesis 42
Think About It:
- Reread verses 21-22. Try to image what life would be like as you carried the burden of your guilt for years with no way to make it right.
- Do you think Joseph was trying to get even with his brothers, testing them to see if they had changed, or was he trying to process his own shock at seeing them again? How did you come to your opinion?
Family Time:
- How would you feel about seeing your brothers more than 20 years after they sold you into slavery?
- Why do you think Joseph accused them of being spies?
- What do you think forgiveness means?
- Do you think Joseph’s brothers were sorry for their sins?
- Tell about a time in your life that you felt like everything was against you, like Jacob did in Genesis 42:36-38. How did God help you? How do you feel God will work things out for Jacob?
- Sometimes God uses other people to allow us to see our own sin so that we will confess it and turn back to him. Who did God use to help the brothers turn back to him?