Wednesday, September 19
Read Genesis 13
Think About It:
- What do you see in Lot’s character that would cause him to make this choice? (see verse 10-11)
- What do you think Abram would be thinking when he fully realized the magnitude of what God was promising him?
Family Time:
Memory Verses: Genesis 13: 17-18 – older children
Genesis 13:17 – younger children
It was really too crowded for Abram and Lot to live close together. They each had so many animals and people in their groups that there wasn’t enough room. Also, their herdsmen were beginning to fight with each other. Abram did not want his group and Lot’s to fight and get in each other’s way so he let Lot have first pick of the land. This way there would be no hard feelings between them and each would have room to settle and grow.
- Have you ever had a hard time getting along with a member of your family because you were getting in each other’s way? How did you work it out? Do you think you could be like Abram and let your family member have first choice in something, even if that meant they would take the best and leave you with something not as good?
2. In verse 18, Abram chose a place to settle his family and herds then he built an alter there to God. Why do you think he did this? Do you remember to thank God when he blesses you?