Thursday, October 28
Read Revelation 20
Think About It:
- It must be a strong angel to grab the Devil and bind him with a chain in the bottomless pit for a thousand years! I’m glad this time will come, and he will be bound! But until that happens, we are watching good and evil play out. We are making our choice about where we stand in it all. Jesus will reign on the earth for the 1000 years. After these years the Devil will be released for a little while to do his evil things. He will again deceive the nations. The people of that age will then have a choice to make – serve God or not. He will be a champion for all the rebels who haven’t had the opportunity to choose against God. He will lead a great multitude against God’s people. But this will lead to the final end of the Devil. Fire will come down from heaven and consume the Devil and his multitudes. Following this will be the Great White Throne judgment. It will be like ‘Heaven’s Gates and Hells Flames’. Great and small will be judged according to what they have done. All the people who have ever lived will rise from the dead and stand before the One who knows everything.
- There is a separate judgment for the saved and for the unsaved. The judgement described in this chapter is for the lost. They will still have to give an account of their life before God and will be judged accordingly. The saved will be judged at the judgment seat of Christ when He comes to gather His saints. See 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:10. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be saved and go to heaven.
Family Time:
- What happens to those who die for Christ (martyrs)? (verse 4)
- Satan will be released from prison and will gather his people to do battle. What will happen to him? Will he win? (verses 9-10)
- Who do you think was sitting on the great white throne?
- Will your name be written in the Book of Life?