Monday, October 25
Read Revelation 17
Think About It:
- I am not going to try and explain the identity of anything or anyone in this chapter. Verses 13-14 points out that though they all work together and use their power and authority to go to war against the Lamb, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they will be defeated by Him because He is Lord of lords and King of all kings. My hope and joy are in knowing that His called, chosen and faithful ones will be with Him. Where do you find hope?
- No matter what happens, we must trust that God is still in charge, that God overrules all the plans and intrigues of the evil one, and that God’s plans will happen just as He says. Do you trust God’s plan for the world? Do you trust God’s plan for you today?
Family Time:
- A harlot is a woman who is evil and leads others into sin. Talking about a harlot does not always mean they are talking about a person or even a girl. It is usually a way to describe a type of evil or sin that tricks you into thinking evil is good. Who do you think this harlot could be?
- Satan always tries to copy God. Read verse 8. Have you heard something like this before? Read Revelation 1:8. Can you figure out who Satan is trying to copy here? What might be another name for this beast?
- In verse 17, who allows people to give their kingdom (earth) over to the beast (Satan/Antichrist)? How long will this happen? Why should we not be worried by this? (verse 14)
- When these things happen, it may seem scary and even hopeless. We must remember who we are in verse 14 and not be discouraged. How can we be better prepared for things to come? Read verse 17 for a clue.