Monday, October 11
Read Revelation 5
Think About It:
- Fun Fact: Ancient scrolls were read horizontally, not vertically. The rolls of the scroll were on the left and the right, and the writing lay in narrow columns about three inches (8 centimeters) wide, written on a substance somewhat like brown paper. The scroll was held in the left hand and unrolled with the right; as the reading went on, the previously read portion was re-rolled. On such a typical scroll, the Book of Revelation would fill a scroll 15 feet (4.5 meters) long.
- There is only one person that is worthy to open this scroll, who is it?
- Throughout the Scriptures, eyessuggest knowledge and wisdom, and horns suggest power. This Lamb has knowledge, wisdom, and power fulfilled perfectly.
- Ponder the redemption that the Lord provided for you. Does it automatically create a desire to worship Him?
Family Time:
- Why did John break down weeping?
- After John hears the message about the conquering “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” in verse 5, it is actually Jesus as the _______________ that opens the scroll.
- How is Jesus worshipped in Heaven – as the Lion or as the Lamb?
- He is worshipped as the Lamb
- He is worthy of worship as the Lamb
- He receives power, might, wealth, wisdom, honor, glory and praise as THE LAMB
- Every creature everywhere worships: “Praise, honor, glory, dominion be to God – enthroned and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever!”
- It is only Jesus Christ as The Lamb that makes Him worthy to open the seals (and the only reason He can also be called the Lion). It was Jesus as the obedient, humble, gentle, sinless lamb that lowered Himself far below anyone ever has that makes Him worthy of all the praise and glory heaven ascribes to Him and worthy to open the seal.