Wednesday, September 29
Read I John 3
Think About It:
- How do you love someone who hates you?
- Why is it important that we love our Christian brothers and sisters?
- Is it important to see arguments or hurts through?
Family Time:
- Really think about this first verse. So amazing! The God who created this whole world, who is all powerful, all knowing, and who sees all our sins, loved us so much that He made a way for us to be HIS children! We do not belong to this world—He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, and we are now a part of His family!
- Again, in this chapter we see that there is a separation between light and darkness—righteousness and sin. Both cannot exist together. For what purpose was Jesus made known? (verse 8) Jesus had victory over Satan, and through the Holy Spirit we can now walk in victory over sin! No sin is too great in your life that God can’t set you free. Walk in His victory!
- In verse 10, he tells us a way to know who a child of God is and who is a child of the Devil. How can we tell? What does verse 15 say about hating your brother? In another part of the Bible we also learn that if we do not forgive our brother, God will not forgive us. Pretty serious!
- How did God show His love for us? (verse 16) He has freely given us so much that we didn’t deserve. When we refuse to do the same for other people, and we get offended or hold grudges, or try to get revenge, or hate others, it deeply grieves God’s heart. How does He want us to love others? (verses 16-19) Take a minute to remember all He has done for you and tell Him thank you! Pray for more love for others.