Friday, September 24
Read II Peter 2
Think About It:
- Believers were being warned about false teachers. If God’s judgment came to the angels and the ancient world, what made them think they wouldn’t be judged? What was different about Noah in verse 5, and Lot in verse 7? Who does God deliver? And who are held under punishment for the day of judgment?
- What can’t these false teachers stop doing in verse 14? Who do they prey on?
- Peter tells us it would have been better to not know of the way of righteousness, than to turn from it. Think literally of verse 22. Do you find it disgusting? God does.
Family Time:
- What does Peter say the false teachers will bring on themselves in verse 1?
- Name some false teachers and how God dealt or plans to deal with them in verses 4-8.
- Some people believe because God is Good and Loving, He will send no one to Hell. What do you believe?