Overview of the Book of II Peter
Thursday, September 23
Read II Peter 1
Think About It:
- According to verse 1, who is this letter written to? Does this include us?
- In verses 5-8, what are we to add to our faith and so on? Why are they necessary to living our lives for Christ? (verses 8-9)
- How do we ensure we interpret the Word of God correctly?
Family Time:
- Read verses 3 and 4 aloud. Discuss as a family the confidence this verse gives you. From where does this power come?
- In verses 5-7, Peter describes the process for growing in Christ. It is a continual process, starting with faith. List these “additions” in order:
G_____________________ →
+ K_____________________ →
+ S_____________________ __________________ →
+ P_____________________ →
+ G ____________________→
+ B_____________________ K _________________ →
+ L_____________________.
- Put a check mark where you think you are.