Overview of the Book of I Peter
Friday, September 17
Read I Peter 1
Think About It:
- Peter was writing to his Christian brothers and sisters to encourage them and to warn them about what lay ahead of them because of their faith in Jesus Christ. None of us is exempt from catastrophe, pain, illness, and death—trials that, like persecution, make us lean heavily on God’s grace. For today’s readers, as well as for Peter’s original audience, the theme of this letter is hope. Do we as the Church today try to appeal to new Christians or “seekers” by making the Christian life look wonderful, blessed and easy or are we honest about the struggles, trials and difficulties that followers of Jesus will face? Are we promoting hope in the midst of difficulties or are we promoting a fairy tale existence?
- Peter tells us to be holy, as God is holy. What specific ways does he encourage his readers to live out holiness in verses 13-15?
Family Time:
- Do you know what an inheritance is? If not, ask someone to explain it to you. It is an important word for a believer in Jesus. Why?
- How long will the Word of God last? Do you believe that God’s words are true? Can God’s words be false? If you believe His words, are you obedient to what He says? Why or why not?