Wednesday, September 8
Read Hebrews 11
Think About It:
- “Faith is the sixth sense God gives us to apprehend the reality of His kingdom” Brooke Ligertwood. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, in your own words describe what faith is and what it does?
- Right off with his example of Abel, the writer reminds us that faith is not necessarily rewarded on earth. Many Christians become frustrated and defeated because their needs, wants, expectations and demands are not immediately met when they believe in Christ. They become impatient and want to quit. Take courage from these heroes of faith who lived and died without seeing the fruit of their faith on earth and yet continued to believe.
- Of the many heroes of faith mentioned in Chapter 11, are there any who are unfamiliar to you? Dig into the Bible and read their story.
Family Time:
- What is faith? (verses 1-3) Most of this chapter gives examples of the faith of God’s people. Can you give some examples of faith today?
- Verses 13-16 talks about how these people died before seeing their faith come to life. In other words, they died before Jesus returned. Does that mean their faith was pointless or wasted?
- Do you have faith, or do you doubt the things you learn about God? Do you know where doubt comes from? How can you have stronger faith? How can you encourage others to keep a strong faith?