Friday, September 3
Read Hebrews 7
Think About It:
- Why was there a need for a new priesthood, one that was better than the Levitical priesthood? (verse 11)
- Jesus did not come from the priestly tribe (the tribe of Levi) or the priestly family in that tribe (the family of Aaron). Under the priesthood of Aaron came the Law of Moses. The priesthood of Melchizedek is associated with Abraham, not with Moses. So, if the priesthood is changed with Jesus as our High Priest, should the status of the Law change? Jesus’ priesthood is not based upon law or heredity (a fleshly commandment), but upon the power of God’s endless life. (verse 15)
- Why is the law set aside? (verses 18-19)
- The high priest of the order of Aaron was appointed by heredity. Not so with Jesus and the priestly order of Melchizedek. How was Jesus appointed High Priest? (verses 20-21)
- What are the duties of a high priest?
Family Time:
- The “better covenant” is also the “new covenant”. We no longer need to rely on sacrificed animals and mediating priests. While all human priests die, Christ lives forever. Priests and sacrifices could not save people, but Christ truly saves. You have access to Christ. He is available to you, but do you go to Him with your needs?