Thursday, September 2
Read Hebrews 6
Think About It:
This chapter continues the thought about going on to maturity in Christ, where we are willing and able to do the will of God. Our maturity is proven by our ability to walk in the Spirit. Hebrews 5:13-14 points out that our skill in the ‘word of righteousness’ determines that. The revelation of our righteousness in Christ qualifies us. Some fall away from the faith, never to be restored (verse 4-6). That doesn’t have to be true of us (verse 9). We are exhorted to push on with passion following those who have obtained the things God has promised. Our forerunner, Jesus Christ has gone ahead of us into the most Holy place. We can go there too! He is our Great High Priest.
Family Time:
- God can do all things, but one thing God can’t do is ___________________? (verse 18)
- To the true seeker who comes to God in belief, God gives an unconditional promise of acceptance. When you ask God with openness, honesty, and sincerity to save you from your sins, He will do it. The truth should give you encouragement, assurance, and confidence.