Tuesday, August 31
Read Hebrews 4
Think About It:
Hebrews 4 exhorts us to enter into the rest God gives us. The word “rest” is mentioned 9 times in 8 verses in this chapter. Eight of the 9 are from the Greek word, “katapausis” (to cease, to restrain or to lie down). But in verse 9: “There remains therefore a rest to the people of God” the Greek word “sabbatismos” is used (the Sabbath rest, our eternal rest in heaven, the ultimate rest of God’s people). If we fall into unbelief (like the 10 spies), we fall short of entering heaven or the promised land God has for us. The only thing that keeps people from going to heaven is unbelief… Think about that! Rejection of God’s Word leads to layers of unbelief that eventually produce stubbornness and rebellion. Deception enters our hearts when we don’t follow, believe, or obey God’s Word and we are easily led astray. If we hear the Word of God and do not believe it (do not join our faith with it), then it doesn’t profit us in any way. Without faith it’s impossible to please God because God wants us to enjoy the benefits of His Kingdom, to enter the Promised Land He provided for us. You may have heard the Bible all your life, but that is not necessarily beneficial unless you really believe every word in the Bible!
Pick out a few verses and read them, asking yourself, “Do I really believe this?” and “Does my life reflect my complete belief in these verses?” Every enemy/demon/struggle we face in life has been defeated, taken care of and provided for in God’s mercy and grace – through Jesus, at Calvary. Receive that by faith. God’s power is unlimited, His love for you is unconditional and His Holy Spirit resides within you. Let that sink in. Give God thanks today and rest in that!
Family Time:
- Verse 12: For the Word of God is _____________ and ____________ and ____________ than any two-edged __________________, piercing even to the division of the _____________ and ________________ of the heart.
- What does it mean to you that God’s Word is living and powerful? We must not only listen to the Word we must let it shape our lives.