Saturday, August 14
Read I Timothy 4
Think About It:
Don’t be surprised that some will depart from the faith in the last days. There will be strong deception and demon-inspired revelations and ideas. Paul tells Timothy to train himself for Godliness and to stick to the Bible, teaching sound doctrine to his hearers. If he will continue to believe God and move in his gifting, he and his hearers will be successful.
- How important is bodily exercise to you?
- What and how much do you read?
- What gift do you have that you should not neglect?
Family Time:
- In this chapter, we are warned again that there will be certain people who will leave the faith because they listened to deceiving (tricky) spirits and doctrines (teachings) of demons. Then they will try to come in to teach false things. Again, we MUST know the truth and love it!
- Timothy was a young man when he began to pastor, but Paul tells him not to let people look down on him because he was young. He instructed him to instead, be an example to the believers in what ways? (verse 12) What else did he tell him to give attention to? (verse 13)
- Read verse 16 again. Parents, take a minute to pray for your children, that they will be faithful to the Lord all their lives!