Friday, August 6
Read I Thessalonians 5
Think About It:
- Jesus criticized the religious leaders of His day because they could not discern the signs of the times. See Matthew 16:1-3. Can you discern the signs of the times that we live in today?
- Will the coming of the Lord be a surprise to the true believer? Why?
- Why must we conduct our life being alert and self-controlled?
- Why should we esteem our leaders highly?
Family Time:
- Because no one knows when Jesus will return, Paul reminds/informs/warns believers to be ready at all times, lest we “fall asleep” or fall away. His words in verse 9: “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ” assures believers that God does not want anyone to perish, He wants all to be saved. See also II Peter 3:9. We should encourage and strengthen fellow believers. We are all in this together! Ask God to place someone on your heart to personally encourage and build up. Once God impresses a name on your heart and mind, resolve to build and encourage that person. How will you do this?
- Paul is very clear is his final instructions (verses 12-23) in this letter to the Thessalonian church. Complete the following diagram, called a Circle of Knowledge, with your family, using these verses. There are eleven things in these verses.
- Write “Ways to Encourage” in the center, big circle. Write one way in each smaller circle. You will need to put 2 of these 11 ways in one circle.