Tuesday, August 3
Read I Thessalonians 2
Think About It:
Paul urges those in Thessalonica to walk in integrity and assures them that he does not seek to please people, but to please God who knows his heart. Verse 12 is his written appeal that they walk “worthy of God, who has called us into His kingdom and glory.” Our being worthy to receive redemption and all spiritual blessings is linked only to the finished work of Jesus Christ. He makes us worthy to receive “all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). If you are a parent, you know how great it is when your children thank you for something. Give thanks to God today for the gift of His Son, Jesus, and the finished work at Calvary that makes us worthy. He has done all the hard work and made our part so easy! Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me. I will refresh your life, for I AM your oasis. Simply join your life with Mine. Learn My ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You’ll find refreshment and rest in Me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Give thanks for that!
Family Time:
- In chapter 2, Paul continues to encourage the young church in Thessalonica. He explains Timothy’s, Silas’, and his motivation to share the gospel anywhere and everywhere that came from God. They were not seeking fame, fortune, or praise from men. Their desire was simply to please God. What is your desire and whom do you seek to please?
- In verse 13, we read that Paul, Timothy and Silas continually thanked God for this young church at Thessalonica – why? Circle all statements that are true.
- They accepted the gospel as the Word of God.
- They suffered the same persecutions as God’s churches in Judea, but held to the truth.
- They provided food and lodging for Paul, Timothy, and Silas.
- They were rich and gave generously to support Paul’s journeys
- They were fun and entertaining!
- In verse 18, Paul said Satan stopped him from returning to the Thessalonian church. Why do you think Satan would want to stop Paul? How does Satan try to stop you? From where do you think the source of Paul’s strength came? From where does your strength come? Give Him praise!