Overview of the Book of Philippians
Friday, July 23
Read Philippians 1
Think About It:
- “This is Paul’s great singing letter. It was at Philippi that he had sung in prison at midnight, in the company of Silas. Now he was again in prison, this time in Rome” George Campbell Morgan. The Philippians were remembered with joy and thanksgiving when Paul prayed for them. One might simply say that when Paul prayed for the Philippians, he became happy. It is remarkable to see that Paul’s first reference to his own feelings or frame of mind in this letter is that of joy – though he wrote from prison and a possible soon execution. When others think about you, what comes to their minds? Are you remembered with joy by them? Do your acts of kindness lift up others as the acts of kindness and support of the Philippians lifted up and encouraged Paul?
- In verses 12-14 Paul answered a concern of the Philippians. He wanted them to know that God’s blessing and power were still with him, even though he was in prison. He was not out of the will of God, and God’s work still continued. Paul realized that his current circumstances weren’t as important as what he did with them. Turning a bad situation into a good one, he reached out to the palace guard and encouraged those Christians who were afraid of persecution. From this we see that Paul could minister effectively and bring glory to God in less than ideal circumstances. He didn’t need everything to be easy and set in order to be fruitful. Paul’s imprisonment gave the Christians around him – who were not imprisoned – greater confidence and boldness.
- They saw that Paul had joy in the midst of such a trial.
- They saw that God would take care of Paul in such circumstances.
- They saw that God could still use Paul even when he was imprisoned.
Do your actions and reactions in times of difficulty and bad situations demonstrate your faith in God? Like Paul, look for ways to grow in faith and encourage others. Whether or not your situation improves, your faith will have the opportunity to grow stronger.
Family Time:
- What does it mean when it says, “He made known to us the mystery of His will”?
- Why would Paul pray for others to have the spirit of wisdom?