Saturday, July 17
Read Ephesians 2
Think About It:
Ephesians chapter 2 gives more detail on the themes in chapter 1. Verses 1-10 develop the theme of redemption (from 1:7) where God raises humanity from the death of sin to new Life in Christ. From verse 1 on, it’s the theme of reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles. We are one with Christ and with each other!
The book of Ephesians has much to say about God’s goodness to us, His plans, and who we are in Christ.
- How is God rich? (verse 4)
- Where have you been made to sit? (verse 6)
- What does God want to show in the ages to come? (verse 7)
- By what were you saved? (verses 8-9)
- Whose workmanship are you? (verse 10)
- What were you formerly? (verses 11-13)
- By what means have you been brought near to God? (verse 13)
- How do we have access to the Father? (verse 18)
- What are we now? (verse 19)
- What are we built upon? (verse 20)
- Who is the chief cornerstone? (verse 20)
- For what purpose are we built together? (verses 21-22)
Family Time:
- “For by ________________ you have been _________________ through ______________.” (verse 8)
- We are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the _________________ of God. (verse 19)
- Who is the chief cornerstone? (verse 20)